How Is Meditation Practicing Who We Are?

Meditation involves simply being aware in the timeless flow of experiencing. When we meditate, we notice hearing, feeling, sensing, all arising in and inseparable from being. We realize that we can disengage from the stories in our mind and stay as awareness as we experience the urge to act. We can fully and lovingly welcome our feelings. Eventually, we realize that meditation isn’t something we do — it’s effortlessly being who we are.

The End of Self-Help
Gail Brenner

Which Wolf Has The Greatest Power?

There’s an old Native American story:

“On my shoulders are two wolves. One is a black wolf, evil, who continually tempts me to do and say the wrong things. On my other shoulder is a white wolf that continually encourages me to live up to my very best.”

A listener asked the man, “Which of these wolves has the greatest power over you?”

The old man replied, “The one I feed.”

The Power of Self-Discipline
Brian Tracy

Does Living Well Require Religious Belief?

The conservatives confirm that religion requires believing fantasies. The progressives confirm that living well has little or nothing to do with believing in religion’s supernatural beings and codified doctrines. Indeed, far from being sustained by such beliefs, living well is actually impeded by it and too often results in leading furiously reactionary, intolerant, exclusionary, avaricious, mean-spirited, science-denying and anti-modern lives.

Hoping Against Hope
John D. Caputo